As far as I can tell these two little gems have not had an ascent, however if they are someone’s babies please let me know. The two lines at The Crack House are possibly the steepest and best jamming cracks around Perth….
Park as for Llama rock, head south down the fire road all the way into the valley until you reach the Helena river. Follow the road beside the river due east (upstream) for around 15 mins. On your way you will pass a second pipeline that comes down the hill on your left (can walk back to Llama up this pipeline). After this you will pass a single red-painted valve thingy on the pipeline and about 300m futher on, there will be a red and a black valve together on the two pipelines. Cross the pipelines here (small cairn) and the crag is less than 70m through the bush. There are 2 obvious crack lines.
Or you could just follow the new Pipelines bouldering guide (, and its 2-300 m back downstream…….
Crack Whore 23 10m
The left line
FA Emil May 06
Coke Bugs 22 10m
The right line
FA Emil May 06
Take the following rack (camalots) and you’ll be set:
1×4.5 (red), 1×4 (purple), 1×3.5 (grey), 1×3 (blue), 2×2 (yellow), 1×1 (red), 1x 0.5 (purple).
Take your pads too, Pipeline’s rocks!