thieving sh*ts

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  • #4902 Reply

      Just a word of warning to anyone heading out to Churchmans Brook, we were climbing there today and had our car broken into, they pinched the missus`s hand bag and a few other bits. Also turned over 3 other cars. Looks like it was just kids but be warned, make sure you don`t leave anything valuable in the car!

      #4903 Reply

        Fortunately I had nothing in my car so nothing to steal and no reason to have my windows smashed. I really don’t care if it’s just kids, if it was. From the sound of it there was in excess of a thousand dollars worth of goods and money stolen, probably several thousands, plus the damage to cars and that is also going to run into a lot of money also. These are petty, scummy, but serious thieves. I don’t care about their habits or circumstances. They disgust me. There are people who know where cars get left while their owners are busy, and they target them and that’s what we have here. Try not to leave anything in your car. In fact do your best to make your car look as if there is nothing worth breaking a window for. And try not to get into serious trouble with the law yourself if you happen to come across them while in the act of being the mongrels they are.

        #4904 Reply

          Not just Churchies, Gozzie, Avon valley, toodyay, John forrest. Basically anywhere people leave a car to walk, climb, ride, dive. There will always be these low mongrels but not much can be done about them. Cops don’t really care and though in this instance I condone it, vigilantism is not a good option (cops do care about this), so prob best to remove any valuables form car where at all possible. my commiserations to the people who lost gear.

          #4905 Reply

            And is so true about the police, they only seemed interested in giving us a crime number, no offer to look for prints etc. I know they are stretched but i wich they could find time to patrol these areas. After all its not just a niche group of climbers or whatever lots of walkers etc use these spots too. Due care will be taken next time but it has still cost me nearly 200 bucks today to sort the window etc.

            #4906 Reply

              Yeah it does suck bigtime when shit like that happens . ive had my car stolen in victoria with me climbing gear in the boot – got back my motor & gearbox ,back pack with one rope and shoes and then afew years back had the same backpack (full of gear)and camera stolen out the back of my hilux down at contos merchant rock ( they also stabbed 2 tyres afew times in the sidewall which you cant repair ). Ive parked down there heaps of times after and have had no troubles so sometimes its just a one offthing with having your car broken into , so its hard for the cops to be in the right place at the right time, but i agree some of them have a crap attitude . So if in some areas cars get broken into often , stake it out with a camera to catch them, or better still with a balaclava and hammer, as its hard to steal with broken hands and hard to run with broken knee caps.

              #4907 Reply

                Oh yeah, got me camera back a year later , as someone was trying to sell it at a ‘cash converter’ as they were able to trace the serial numbers i sent never get the climbing gear back

                #4908 Reply
                SHANE SHAW

                  Don’t you wish you could get the people who do this and find out where they live and go and do the same to there belongings. They might then learn to appreciate other peoples property. No matter whaqt people say there are too many do gooders now who say don’t punish them forgive them!!!!! well maybe these people never get their things stolen or smashed. It’s the same with all the politicians, What would happen if they had their houses broken into and their cars, you can bet the laws would change very quickly.

                  Although Perth is a great place to live and I was born here It is becoming more and more violent and not a safe place for your children.

                  Lets catch them and us them as test dummies for rope fall tests 🙂

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