not sure if its possible.. but is there anyway and anyone available that couold fix it that the last message replied to flicks to the top of the board page… sometimes its hard flicking though all the old posts trying to find the last replied to thread.. and it woould keep all current threads in an easy to find order.
This may help to find the last thread replied to, press ctrl+f to get the text finder toolbar on your pc then type the date or the first part of the date you are looking for (eg 9 Au)and it will be highlighted.
Yeah, these message boards are just one big pile of really poorly written HTML code.
The CAWA boards should just be hosted on a proper message board server. Easy to do, free and helps stop spammers. God knows why it hasn’t happened yet.
Heh Elliott remember the free message board I made ? It was free, it was offered for CAWA’s exclusive use, and nothing happened about it.
Need I say more mate.
Of course I remember.
Ohwell.I mean shit, it wouldn’t even be hard at all to replace the content of the existing community page and replace it with an embedded forum such as the one you made.
Elliot, 16 Sep 2008 – WA, Perth region
Yeah, these message boards are just one big pile of really poorly written HTML code.
The CAWA boards should just be hosted on a proper message board server. Easy to do, free and helps stop spammers. God knows why it hasn’t happened yet.
Yes, maybe. But it was done by a volunteer about 10 years ago and at the time it was pretty good.
In fact, CAWA committee members spend hours every week defending your right to climb in WA and providing the WA climbing community with a webpage. Last year the WA government was going to bring in a regulation that would have meant that any climbing on DEC-managed land would have required a qualified instructor in attendance. CAWA stopped this, and other silly regulations.
If you don’t like the CAWA webpage, then I suggest that you either don’t use it or that you spend a few hundred hours of your own time updating it.
Um, someone did an update and offered it to CAWA and ya didn’t want it. I appreciate the fact that Toc and co defend out rights to climb but apart from criticise any ideas of improvement anyone else has, what do the rest of you do?
Hi Jeff,
CAWA didn’t want it? Maybe climbers – most of them non-CAWA – didn’t want it.
Shane did a great job, but unfortunatly it has not been used a great deal.
If people don’t like the CAWA website, the I can disable it for you in about 2 seconds.
Oh hello its getting very busy here today isn’t it?
What Phillip said is very important – Shane made a message board and offered it to the climbing community. The community didn’t use it and Shane shut it down.
CAWA did not reject Shane’s message board – please don’t say that.
Personally I believe having to register for Shane’s message board didn’t help – many people get put off by that.
Shane if it didn’t work please take responsibility for that – why not think about why it didn’t and try again?
What Phillip is frustrated about is people complaining but not actually contributing anything useful to CAWA.
I built this website nearly 7 years ago because I had some spare time and wanted to help out. I try to continue but have very limited time now (kids, work, life).
I don’t mind the direction this website takes or what CAWA or the climbing community want to do with it. But don’t just whinge – do something, something useful.
Elliot are you the Elliot that promised us a website draft back in April? Lots of people would love to see it if you have it.
Perhaps CAWA (or someone) can organise a social night where ideas can be discussed and people can offer what they can contribute?
CAWA exists because of contributors – volunteers.
(Jamie we’ve hijacked your thread!)
Hi Jeff and everyone else,
The reason I wasn’t about to bail out of the present CAWA website onto Shane’s is purely and simply that the CAWA websites are a lot bigger than the message board. Absolutely no offence is or was meant to be directed at Shane, and none was as far as I know, it is simply that a message board by itself is not a suitable replacement for the present CAWA websites.
Cheers all.
Also, I didn’t and don’t like the idea of registering. We get messages from all over the world, from members and non-members. It means work for somebody to monitor the mssage boards, but it also means easy access and when somebody in London or where ever wants to try and organise somebody to climb with for when they get here, they can do it easily.
Elliot, Shane, would you like to get in touch with the people who are presently working an updated and expanded website and help out. If so you, can email me toc at iinetdotnetdotau. Your help would be appreciated.
“If you don’t like the CAWA webpage, then I suggest that you either don’t use it or that you spend a few hundred hours of your own time updating it.”
I did…and I almost no one was interested so pull your head in and maybe re-read some of the previous discussions and offers that members here have well, offered up.
“Elliot are you the Elliot that promised us a website draft back in April? Lots of people would love to see it if you have it.”
Where were these lots of people when I was asking if anyone actually wanted something done?
“Elliot, Shane, would you like to get in touch with the people who are presently working an updated and expanded website and help out. If so you, can email me toc at iinetdotnetdotau. Your help would be appreciated”
I was all for helping out and contributing a VERY fair ammount of time designing, coding and securing (heck even bloody hosting) the new CAWA site…but that was when I had the time and was really keen to do it.
Now, working full time as a Computer Engineer kind of makes it hard to get enthusiastic about coding in my spare time…especially when there’s only a small handfull people that actually give a toss about something being done. The rest just seam to wanna sit back and cry about bolting issues and spray about why they’re better climbers.
Look, the fact of the matter is, when I offered to do up a whole new site almost no one was interested and some where even shooting the idea down.
If people were actually enthusiastic then by now we’d be logging onto a nice slick CAWA site that was easy to navigate, offered nice photos and videos of what WA has to offer climbing wise and wasn’t prone to spam bots let alone anywhere near as easy to hack into as the current CAWA site is.
I asked for something as simple as people sending in photos (almost everyone has some climbing related photos) and I got ONE person reply. ONE.
Thanks Ang! A website without content is pointless.
Hi Elliot,
yes, well that’s about how it goes with climbers in WA.
Conrad puts out a call for articles for the Western Climber – and no one responds. When the WC doesn’t come out on time, everyone complains.
A first aid workshop is organised, and only a few committee members plus one or two others bother to turn up. But there are plenty of complaints!
A trip is organised to some place, and only the person organising it and their partner turn up. But lots of people complain about not enough trips being organised.
Shane puts up a new forum and hardly anyone uses it but everyone complains about the CAWA site?
You ask for photos and input into a new website and one person sends you stuff?
Welcome to WWAAWC – World of Western Australian Apatheic and Whinging Climbers!
I think there has been more than enough finger pointing here. We just need to be realistic about how contributions are accepted.
If a web designer creates a pretty new template for the site, then it could be integrated.
If a climber submits new photos for the gallery, then they could be uploaded.
If a web developer offered a plan for a new forum, including how to migrate old posts, then we could be using it right now.
I’m sure that any improvements to the site will be welcomed by the community. However, it is important that improvements are consistent with the site’s direction.
“I’m sure that any improvements to the site will be welcomed by the community.”
CAWA history has proved otherwise.
The thing is Phillip is dead right!
Nothing ever changes with climbers in WA…except the topic people want to cry over.
Look, if no one was complaining then it would mean no one cared. I’d prefer a passionate community than none at all.
It takes persistence to change things so don’t get put off by a bit of negative feedback.
It’s hardly the negative feedback that’s off putting. It’s more the lack of feedback what so ever when a solution to the previous cry-fest is presented.
Lads, go climbing, get a girlfriend, or go to the park and fight it out. Mamas teets run dry. Great site.
Yes we all agree that the forums need updating.
Shane put up a forum and no one went. Why? Because all the info is here and so is everyone else’s eyes (we’re just sheep really). Without CAWA’s endorsement no one is going to go somewhere else and why should they? Phil’s right that there is a lot more info on this website than just a forum.
Hmmm…. Then maybe we should take the enthusiasm of someone like Shane and mix it with the information CAWA holds! WOW, we have the two arguing groups working together! What the??!!
CAWA doesn’t need a new website, it just needs to update this one. So why don’t the computer boffins get together with the CAWA boffins and figure something out instead of pointing fingers and crying?
Unfortunately that won’t happen because as already stated, climbers are a lazy bunch of twits. Actually when you think about it, climbers are just human. Willing to point their fingers but not actually use them.
There is a lot of info on this site and I think, in general, the entire website needs a facelift. It was good 15 years ago but nowadays there is so many better ways of displaying information on a website. Maybe one of the committee members should be the website custodian? I don’t see one on the committee page, I just see half a dozen people I’ve never heard from.
There should be a note on the gallery page saying that people can send photos in, like in the mini-guide section. We don’t know how much storage space you have or if it’s allowed?
How much longer will this argument go on? Hasn’t it been going for years already?
There is no quick fix. Another website address with a cut and paste forum isn’t what we need. We need this site to be upgraded. I have some ideas and I’m sure, amongst all the climbers there are some that can program a website. So why don’t some people, CAWA committee members included, sit down and work something out?
My email is omnieyes_38 at hotmailDOTcom and I am more than happy to rock up and brainstorm a solution. At least one CAWA committee member needs to help on this. And we’d need someone that can actually code websites. Preferrably the person who administers this site already.
There, someone’s put their proverbials on the block. Anyone else? No more complaining. Stand up or shut up.
Well I’m out from now on. Don’t have the time nor the patience. Like I said earlier, I was keen as mustard to code up a nice looking and secure (about time) web page but now working full time as a computer engineer/programmer/security analyst has entirely diminished my wish to work on sites in my spare time.
When ever anyone gets around to making one I’ll be more than happy to hack test the security though. Currently this site has more holes in it than an Indonesian refugee boat.
Threads are now sorted and replies bump threads to the top. Enjoy!
thanks mark…never wanter the create such a fuss about the site…guess everyone jumped on what they saw as a bandwagon…sheesh
but great work with the re ordering of threads