Tiger snake bite, Shaven Cat, Bob’s Hollow

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  • #8531 Reply

      Hi folks,

      Apologies for the double up – this is posted in Injuries and Accidents as well.

      Please spread the word that it is highly dubious to climb on Shaven Cat at Bob’s Hollow, since there is a tiger snake living in one of the holds perhaps five or six bolts up. A climber was bitten on the hand there today, and had to be rescued from the crag by ambulance and fellow climbers. As far as I know he is stable.

      Can I also add that it is always a good idea to take a first aid kit and mobile phone to any isolated crag! Climb safe!

      #8532 Reply

        Ouch. On my favourite route there! Telstra 3G has the best coverage if I recall, but that still doesn’t work at some WA crags!?

        #8533 Reply

          Thanks for posting this.

          Yes, it is really important not to just have a little kit with some bandaids and nail clippers but a decent amount of bandage for situations such as this. There are a lot of snakes out there and generally they will retreat rather than attack but not if cornered. It is something that climbers have a casual attitude to but considering the bush bashing that gets done sometimes, should be taken a bit more seriously.

          #8534 Reply

            regarding first aid

            -get 2 a safe area “off cliff face”, “away from snake maybe” 😛

            -call for help

            -stay as calm as possible and move as little as possible you want to keep your pulse low

            -place a piece of gauze on the bite first this can help in identifying the snake.

            -rap the limb in a constrictive bandage “as tight as you would for a sprain” and also start at the end of the limb working up.

            -keep the area below your heart

            key if you have a friend there have them do every thing that will keep your pulse down. and actually knowing what the snake also helps but dont go chasing it. hmm i think thats it…. oh shopping list


            -2 large constrictive bandages “the white ones are best for this”

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