Topo for Collie/ Wellington Dam

Home Forums Climbing Talk Topo for Collie/ Wellington Dam

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  • #1639 Reply

      Does anyone have a topo of Collie. The route descriptions are somewhat vague and being listed by grade not location makes it a bit difficult to guage which climb is which.

      For us SW climbers it is becoming increasingly more popular to climb there yet I’m afraid someone will get hurt on a route climbing something beyond their capabilities.

      #1640 Reply
      Just another Old timer

        Seems its becoming a favourite with alot of people. I counted 13 climbers out there on Sunday. Some top roping, some leading. I wish I had my gear with me, would have made it 14. 🙂

        Seems everybody was having a great day. Perfect day, free bbqs and entertainment, what more can one ask for?

        #1641 Reply


          The CAWA 2002 Perth Rock Guidebook has a chapter on Wellington Dam. It contains general information, location, 2 photos, a sketch of the climb locations and 21 route descriptions.

          You can get this book from any outdoor store in Perth (plus climbing gyms) or can order directly from CAWA by sending mail to;

          [email protected]

          #1642 Reply

            Yes it was a great day! We were out there for most of the day! Some fantastic climbing going on!

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