trad gear testing

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  • #8471 Reply

      As the testing rig was sponsored by Mainpeak it will be coming to Perth next year. One thing that might be good to do is some placement testing, there’s a thread on Chockstone about it, but basically you have a number of people place gear and rate it, then pull it out.

      I’m interested in how strong placements are and (more importantly) how accurately we can assess how strong the placement is.

      #8472 Reply

        I know a few engineer-climbers who would be interested in this! When is this happening?

        #8473 Reply

          I have some cams I can donate for destructive testing. They have busted wires and excess wear on the lobes which cannot be repaired.

          #8474 Reply

            Proabaly easter next year, we shoudl ahve a few sets of tests finished here and ain Victoria by then for you to base testing on. It does destroy a bit of gear, so what gets tested is generally older stuff.

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