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  • #3704 Reply

      Has anyone bought and used the Omega Pacific trinuts in WA? Are there any other companies producing a similar nut? Have briefly searched the web for signs of DMM, wild country and Black Diamond producing something similar, but with no luck. Have met one person (David) who had some trinuts, and liked them.Will be up in Perth mid-feb and may get the time to go to a store or gym if they have these in stock.

      #3705 Reply

        Hi Kath,

        Havent used them but I think Rockface have some for sale in their display, Will double check tonight if I remember. I think most people here use Walnuts or Rocks or BD nuts.

        There was a big discussion around tri nuts on the chockstone website.


        #3706 Reply

          Hi Kath,

          Rockface have what looks like a full set and the staff there said they’d give you a good deal, I think they’ve been there a while.


          #3707 Reply

            The smaller sizes have a single wire and are only rated to 600kg. okay for a short fall in some circumstances, but there are many circumstance in which this would not be the case e.g. long fall or high fall factor. the tri nuts when placed also have one large face and one small face in contact with the rock, for the small sizes the small face may not prevent the nut from twisting to a smaller profile and popping. on the upside it was nice to place a large trinut in a good placement and turn it 120 degrees and get a great placement without having to replace the nut. My personal opinion for what its worth is that they didnt impress me and if i were to purchase them i would probably only buy the three larger sizes.


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