WA Bouldering Series 2004

Home Forums Bouldering WA WA Bouldering Series 2004

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  • #2163 Reply

      Hello there,

      Just a quick note to let all you people interested in our WA Bouldering Series that the dates have been finalised for this years rounds.

      Sunday 13th June @ Rockface

      Sunday 1st August @ The Hangout &

      Sunday 19th September @ Rockface.

      For further information and entry forms please come down to either gym and you can get more details.

      Great prizes and lots of fun to be had by all. Look forward to seeing you all there.

      #2164 Reply
      Intermediate climber

        just got a look at the entry form for this years bouldering comp…and i must say i was disappointed to see that there was no intermediate level of competition.

        personally i have been climbing for 10 years but in recent years have had very little time on the rock…or in a gym for that matter..

        I’m sure there are plenty of others out there in the same boat..(or on the same cliff)

        In all fairness how about catering for those of us with commitments in life and having a intermediate level next year…( i know it is way too late to do anything about it this year)

        Ahh.. to be young and carefree and have the time to climb more then once a month.

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