I’ve got a pair that might meet your requirements:
Montrail Olympus Boots – heavyweight, reinforced leather hiking, mod mountaineering, with ICE crampon system. size 9 Euro. Quite a handsome boot.
With 2 pairs crampons, 12 point climbing set & 12 point approach set.
The ICE rail system means crampons are dedicated to these boots (standard strap on crampons also fit on the boots), but system is much more secure than the strap on types.
I’d keep them but slightly too small & recently only climb up what I can ride down, so have other set-ups.
I take US size 11.5 or 12 workboots & these are just half a size to small for my flat, wide feet so they might fit you. Almost brand new (still have new boot smell), only used the boots & climbing crampons for some light arboriculture.
Will be in Perth next Monday / Tuesday if you want to bring them up for a look. Let me know here.