Weekend Climbing

Home Forums Partner wanted / Lift shares Weekend Climbing

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  • #12620 Reply

      Hey there,

      I am looking to get out climbing on the weekends. I have everything needed to climb, except perhaps a set of quickdraws.

      Until a few months ago I was climbing 20’s or thereabouts, probably a little lower now on account of being out of shape.

      Ideally I’d like to get down south Margaret River or Albany way would be good if anyone’s keen, but it’s a long drive for a weekend trip. Otherwise I’m just getting a little desperate to get on real rock again.

      If you’re interested, give me a call on 0458 330 521.


      – Barry

      #12877 Reply

        Hi Barry I climb 20/21 sport or trad. I’m from Sydney and just moved here. Looking for climbing partners for gym and 3 June or following weekend. Any suggestions?

        #12879 Reply

          Yeah, sounds good Jean. You keen for a day out in the hills? I’ve only climbed at churchman’s brook and mountain quarry, and even there only once or twice each. Could head back to Churchman’s (big positive in my book: It’s real rock and high enough to justify a rope), or one of the Quarries. Or if the weather is looking nice, it’s not too far to margs.

          Do you have a car? I have rope & racks, but my transport is a bike. Give me a call or organise things if this sounds good to you.


          – Barry

          #12880 Reply

            mean to say *natural* rock, it’s obviously all real rock…

            #12881 Reply

              Oh! My telephone number has changed. It’s now 0448844231.

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