Wellington Dam Quarry Images

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  • #12903 Reply

      There have been some recent developments at the quarry with the number of lines have been increased by 50%, so we are looking to create a mini-guide for this area. If anyone has any images they would like to put forward send them to: kermit at iinet.net.au along with climber and route names. Thanks.

      #13180 Reply

        Hi Krish

        Is there a topo showing the new routes? I found a guide on the net that appears to list some new climbs but no topo with it. Most interested in more moderate grades up to 21/22 at this stage and wondering if there is much in the way of new routes in the teen range.

        #13189 Reply

          Hey Dena the guide is pretty close to finished, just waiting for a couple more routes to be finished off. I can send you through some pages of the draft if you are heading down there in the near furture (there are some good new routes in the teens), let me know where to send them. Out of interest which guide are you referring to on the net, would it be the one on thecrag.com?

          #13193 Reply

            Hi Krish,

            I’m heading down in a few weeks and was wondering if I could get a copy of the draft at all?

            You can email me at shaun.currey at gmail dot com


            #13262 Reply

              Hey Krish, that’s great. A few of us have been talking about heading down there for a while and haven’t quite made it. Yes, it’s the one on thecrag.com. Not sure how long you are off finishing but as I’m heading in to hospital have surgery tomorrow I’m not likely to need it in the next couple of weeks…Would you please email it to me when you’ve finished it at: tigervet28 at yahoo dot com dot au. If I need it before I hear from you I’ll just put up another post on here and hopefully you’ll see it.



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