Whaleback mini guide

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  • #3016 Reply

      I’ve sent a mini-guide for Whaleback to the to the webmaster. Same style as the others, rough enough to get you started.

      #3017 Reply
      John Knight

        Cool. Nothing inventive to say, but a bouldering thread wouldn’t be the same without the obligatory comment from me, hehe!

        #3018 Reply
        Chris Dorrian

          See Climb WA > Miniguides.

          #3019 Reply


            #3020 Reply
            Ben Wood

              Hey Ben, great job on the whaleback mini guide (and the others). Its great to see someone documenting bouldering and making it easier for folks to get out and boulder. I noticed that you credited yourself and marc as the first to put up most of the problems. Unless you were down there before 2000 this is incorrect. Ian McDowell and myself were the first to boulder there (as far as we know) throughout 2000 after hearing about the rocks from a Merrybrook group leader. we put up most of the problems shown in your guide (on boulders 1,3,4 and 5)that year and I did a number of others (that we couldn’t do on those boulders)the year after. Ask gerard or emil at rockface who told them about whaleback if you want confirmation or check out Rock 47 (mid 2001 issue) for a photoof Ian and me on boulder 3 (taken in 2000 by brett denis). It would be great if you would change the Crew section of your guide to give props where due. Cheers. Ben Wood.

              #3021 Reply
              Ben Fleming

                Marc first showed me the area in Dec 2001 I think. Apparently he had heard about it from you or had been there with you, whatever. I recall Marc saying that you had tried a couple things but not completed many problems which was why no credit was given.

                I will give credit in the next revision.

                #3022 Reply
                Ben Wood

                  Great to hear that. Next time do your research if you think some one else climbed there. I remember at the time preaching to everyone in the gym about whaleback – no one seemed interested. I also drew 3 or 4 topos with 8 or 10 problems listed for folks – I’m pretty sure mark was one of those people I gave a map to. You may know of another small area Ian and I found in the same year (though some one else could have been there first that we hadn’t heard about). There are a small group of boulders north of Grace town on the cape2cape track (you can see them from whaleback?. Park at north point and walk about 10/15 mins north. The number and quality of problems are less than whale back but I remember a couple of great short lines.

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