Why no topo on this site?

Home Forums Climbing Talk Why no topo on this site?

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  • #9444 Reply

      Just curious why no topographic maps are provided with the online guide. Its a bit disappointing. Is there a reason for climbs being listed by grade?

      At the very least I would have thought there would be a description of each crag from some designated point so that climbers can decipher what they are about to tackle. Or is it all a ploy to go out and purchase the perth climbing guide?

      #9445 Reply
      Mark Weatherill

        The online guide was created back in 2003 and hasn’t received much love since then. It is a bit of a headache to update which is the main reason why. I have kept it on the site since it is still a somewhat useful resource (I removed it when we moved to the new site design in 2009 but a few people complained).

        Ideally, it should be easily maintainable by the committee (like the rest of the site) and possibly even editable by the community as a wiki. However it takes a bit of work to do that migration. Volunteers with the appropriate skills are welcomed!

        #9446 Reply

          Cheers for the info Mark,

          Unfortunately I’m not much use when it comes to wiki’s. However would be happy to submit topo’s (as I attempt to stumble… i mean climb.. my way through Perth’s offerings) if the option was available.

          #9447 Reply

            As for toppos I’m not sure how to use them correctly I don’t think. I printed one for Boulder rock and then went out there and couldn’t figure out the appointed routes. I didn’t know the names, location or difficulty. However the freedom of seeking out climbs and making them up as I went felt free and fun. I’d like to know what my skills are for rating. The directions posted up were awesome, I’ve found a few different spots thanks to them and just wandered about seeking climbs for my low skill level.

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