Wungong forest destruction

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  • #2837 Reply


      I’m a journalist who is looking into the proposed thinning of the beautiful forest at Wungong Catchment. It’s quite a radical plan which could involve removal of 2/3 of the forest here…

      I’d love to chat to someone who uses the area for recreation – and could give some publicity to you or your group.

      If you could help out – please give me a call 0412 129 024. I’m hoping to interview from Mon 24th Oct.


      Jessica Hayes

      0412 129 024

      #2838 Reply

        I hope they clear the base of the Wungong slab a bit. I get tired of falling in the bush.

        #2839 Reply

          Isn’t this thining of forests, already gutted anything remotely big over the past century, all a bit dubious? Don’t we have a major salinity problem because of clearing anyway? How is the Water Authority getting away with this?

          #2840 Reply
          blue turtle

            If this is to increase runoff into the Wungong Dam then that area is not used by climbers. Climbers use the valley between the dam and the highway below.

            The obvious tradeoff dilemma here is between getting more water and chopping the CO2-to-O2 converting trees, so this manner of increasing water storage sounds a bit suspect from Kyoto point of view…., but so is desalination I suppose.

            #2841 Reply

              Just as a personal curiosity view point: As well as potential salinity problems what about an increased rate of silting up of the dam.

              Sounds like a question for the Environmental Science students, hey Kate are you reading this?

              #2842 Reply

                The slab base from what I remember has to much bush around it,making it difficult to find good places to belay,and even set up or leave gear.its also a bugger getting in or out from the base of the slabs.The surrounding area already has enough man made tracks in place.

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