Restricted Areas

In the state of Western Australia, national parks and reserves are managed by the Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW) according to management plans.  These plans often refer to all climbers being required to abide by the CAWA Code of Bolting and New Route Development and by the CAWA Code of Conduct. DEC in general consider these codes to be applicable to all climbers in all of Western Australia, i.e. whether climbers choose to be members of CAWA or not. It is a good idea to become familiar with these codes and management plans. CAWA does not have any enforcement authority but the rangers certainly do.

The rangers are generally friendly and easy to talk to. They have issues much more important than climbing to deal with, and see climbers as responsible outdoors people. Please maintain this positive relationship and keep a low profile with regard to the public. There are some no-bolting zones (also called Adventure Climbing Zones or ACZs) and some other restrictions that are relevant to climbers and these are listed below. No further fixed protection may be placed in ACZs.

Albany Adventure Climbing Zone includes the following areas: The Gap, Natural Bridge, Blowholes and all areas within or between any of these locations; also Stony Hill boulders, and any location within the Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve. These areas are either highly environmentally sensitive areas or have high tourist traffic.

Stirling Ranges Adventure Climbing Zone: includes Bluff Knoll Main Face and all Stirling Ranges east of it. See page 65 of the Stirling Ranges Management Plan. These areas include intricate weaving traditional lines which follow natural protection and have a rich tradition of boldness.

Climbing at the Gap and Natural Bridge in Albany is not allowed on public holidays and long weekends, as per DEC instruction of some 20 years ago (this is being enforced). This applies to areas attended by masses of regular tourists, i.e. between Orca and Seawolf walls listed in the 1998 South Coast Rock guide. Please climb there at other times. The rationale is that seeing climbers may encourage unsafe behaviour (i.e. showing off) by people who are neither suitably equipped nor experienced.

No camping is allowed at Bob’s Hollow. Going on experience, the chances of being ejected and fined are excellent.

Wallcliffe: Climbing and access are currently prohibited.  See Access Update of 5 February 2019.

Mountain and Stathams Quarries (Perth): Bookings MUST be made by phoning DPaW Monday – Friday. Please DO NOT share gate codes with climbers who have not booked. See here for details: Make a booking

Esperance. Climbing is permitted at Cape Le Grand National Park with the following conditions:

  1. No climbing at Frenchman’s Peak.
  2. No further fixed protection is to be placed without DPaW permission.
  3. Please notify the ranger (DpaW not shire) of your intention to climb: (08) 9083 2100.
  4. Avoid climbing uring wet soil conditions to avoid spread of dieback.
  5. No new trails are to be constructed to climbing areas and trampling of vegetation to be kept to a minimum.
  6. Information published (e.g. in climbing guides) is to be in accordance with current park use guidelines. Please consult DPaW for the most up to date information.

There are other restrictions and regulations, see the relevant guidebooks and miniguides. Observing sensible agreed rules is clearly for everyone’s benefit.