Have you wanted to further your outdoor climbing skills?!
Want to learn useful rescue techniques that you can have in your back pocket in the event of an emergency? Or how to haul your seconder when struggling through the crux, how to bail from a route safely or how to escape the belay and proceed with a rescue?
Come along to this half-day workshop conducted by Adventure Out for CAWA members. It has been specifically designed to address the situations we commonly find ourselves in so that the skills you take away will be directly applicable and utilise the gear usually carried on single and multi-pitch climbs. The workshop would be perfect for adventure climbers who want to learn to be self-sufficient for when things go pear-shaped, for sport climbers who want to set up topropes, belay from the top and progress into multi-pitch sport climbing and for beginner climbers who would like to transition to outdoor climbing.
There will be two identical sessions:.
Morning session (8 am – 12 pm)
Afternoon session (12.30 pm – 4.30 pm)
Minimum prerequisites
sport climbing outdoors
know how to tie the following knots:
a clove hitch,
figure 8,
munter hitch,
bow line and
friction knots used for prusiking, including the Classic, French and Klemheist
Adventure Out will have some cords and slings for sale on the day if you are short on any.
Introduction elements for both self and partner rescue sessions.
The methods outlined will be taught with minimal equipment (improvisation), focusing on developing knowledge that provides the safest solution/s.
Self-Rescue Skills – Developing personal knowledge and skills.
Ascend a rope (prusiking)
Changing from a rope system to another independent rope system
How to rig a Belay Anchoring system that is quick, efficient and ready for any potential rescue (less than a 30-second change process).
Escape a jammed (compromised) belay anchoring system (poor or incorrect rigging setup). A poor belay setup creates a secondary challenge that consumes time and requires self-escape before conducting a rescue for your partner.
Partner Rescue Skills
Assessing the situation and developing a plan! Scenarios that lead to a practical response
Conscious partner rescue, who can or can’t assist
Unconscious partner rescue
Anchor point set up for mechanical advantage (MA) lift
MA systems (2:1, 3:1 and 6:1 MA systems) to lift or access an injured climber
Lowering: single and double rope methods
The content covered on the day will be based on participants’ prior knowledge; therefore, it might vary slightly. Furthermore, the rescue outline above has an individual focus for a climbing pair. It will not include a team rescue approach employing complicated equipment and complex rigging systems, although all of the skills taught align with the large-scale rescue techniques.
The low cost reflects AO kindly providing a special rate and a further subsidy by CAWA & Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.
The State government through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries is a major supporter of CAWA in Western Australia. Sport and recreation creates vibrant, inclusive and connected WA communities.