New Committee and Update



Technically, I’m not new, I’m recycled. Having already done a four year stint on the committee from 2007 – 2011, I clearly didn’t get enough the first time around and I’m back to do it all again. In spite of being broken with frustrating regularity, my passion for climbing has not waned. And I’m thrilled that my climbing continues to improve. I still care about promoting and most importantly, protecting my sport. Nothing much has changed — except that the arthritis in my toes is getting worse and Mike Adams appears more youthful with each passing year. And speaking of Mr Adams, thanks very much for putting together that illuminating display of climbing equipment at the AGM. Thanks must also go to everyone else who contributed to making this interesting and enjoyable evening possible: the 2013 CAWA committee, Rob Baker, Stew Sant and anyone else I’ve neglected to mention.

I am pleased to be able to introduce your new committee for 2014: Kylie West and Anthony Brandis have continued on whilst Rick Allen, Mitch Elphick and Hamish Carrad have joined us for the first time. I hope that you will support and welcome them. We are very appreciative of Mandy Bowler and Kate Swain continuing to assist with production of the Western Climber. Thanks must also go to Mark Weatherill, who has been webmaster for over three years now and Ross Weiter who continues to distribute CAWA’s Perth Rock Climbing Guide. The most recent edition, released at the end of 2010, continues to be the most comprehensive guide to climbing in Perth.

As I was looking back through the archives to see if I could cheat and find something clever that I’d written previously to cut and paste into this spot, I found myself looking nostalgically at some of the events run by CAWA that have been thoroughly enjoyed by all. One particular stand out for me was the movie night we put on at Ash and Megan’s house in January 2011. Ash did an awesome job of constructing a movie screen, the weather was perfect and we had a great turnout. Sometimes everything just comes together. I am hoping we can create more such events in the future.

It’s going to be a busy year. The usual climbing trips and gym crashes are currently being planned. However, I am also keen to arrange some other climbing related activities such as informal technique clinics, so stay tuned. Whilst we are not able to provide formal training, we have previously arranged discounts through commercial companies with the appropriate qualifications and insurance. This includes courses run specifically for CAWA members and tailored to what those people requested. Anyone looking at making the transition from indoor to outdoor climbing would be well served by one of the basic courses. If this interests you, then please contact me and I’ll see what I can arrange.

One of CAWA’s main roles is to keep a close eye on any issues affecting access to climbing areas. Much work goes on behind the scenes liaising with land managers, contributing to management plans and generally striving to protect our sport. I managed the access issues for most of my previous four year stint on the committee and have resumed this role. If you have concerns about access issues (or anything else), please contact me.

The more hands on deck that we have, the more we can do for our members and the climbing community during the year. We have three ordinary committee positions to fill and if you have a particular interest that you think could benefit CAWA, then we’d love to hear from you. Or even if you just think that you’d like to help but have been hesitant because you don’t know what’s involved, then please email me. I can also generally be found wandering around climbing gyms twice a week. No previous experience on a committee is required and it is a valuable addition to your CV. I learned many valuable skills during my previous time on the committee.

Our first gym crash for the year is being run by Mitch, this Thursday 13 March at Rockface. Keep an eye out for more details coming soon.

The annual Easter pilgrimage to Peak Charles isn’t far away. Always an adventure, if you come along you are guaranteed at least one sighting of a rare and treasured species: the oldies en masse, showing us how to do it in style!


Dena Rao

CAWA President



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