Bondo anyone?

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  • #2006 Reply


      I have been tinkering for a while making my own climbing holds at home out of several types of resins/plastics. I notice that some articles on the subject from North American websites use Bondo as the main ingredient, which is a type of resin/automotive body filler.

      Has anyone seen this stuff any where in Perth at all?


      #2007 Reply

        Yep, I made a few holds with this a while back- I think it’s called Bond-Crete and you can get it at most auto supply shops. It doesn’t work out particularly cheaply (although cheaper than ‘real’ holds).

        And you will need to work FAST and get the bolt hole in at speed as well- we made about five holds and only one was usable due to either the back of the hold not being flat, or the bolt hole not being made properly . . . so in that sense, not cheap at all. But I bet once you worked out your technique you’d be OK!

        #2008 Reply

          hi there…havent actually tried it yet but i fpound a site that gives several formulas for making holds…i printed it out but cant remember where i put the sheets…

          i will look for it and post the addy..

          and i think from memory it was an australian site..

          #2009 Reply
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