boulder comps?

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  • #2978 Reply

      Hey all, any word on whether any of the gyms are holding boulder comps this year?

      #2979 Reply

        If honed men and women gyms want to attract then bouldering comps they must run. Try ‘strip-bouldering’ they should. Good turn out would there be.

        #2980 Reply

          So, Yoda, for each time you fall off you have to remove a piece of clothing? Given that you are 800 years old I reckon you’d have a heart attack. Plus the shrinkage would not make for pleasant viewing.

          #2981 Reply

            hear it is not happening this year unless Rockface runs it…

            #2982 Reply

              Don’t we HAVE to have at least one comp so that we choose who goes to Nationals? Or do we just not send anyone? If old age hasn’t totally shot my memory I thought that the top male and female boulderers got $$ from Mainpeak/Mountain Designs to cover travel costs to the eastern states for Nationals???

              #2983 Reply
              Prophy Lactic

                What we HAVE to have is some people to ORGANISE things. However, as with bolting, whinging is much easier….

                #2984 Reply
                John Knight

                  I wouldn’t mind having a go at the new Zealand style, actual rock (and I think they’re the only country that does it). Of course, they have castle and spittle hill, which is a lot cooler than we have, but I reckon it’d be a serious trip-out having a hundred or so people at Boulder Rock!

                  #2985 Reply


                    My hometown of Phoenix Arizona hosts the Phoenix Bouldering Comp each year, all outside, which attracts 600-700 competitors including Chris Sharma, Lisa Rands, etc. Now that I have stood up for the honour of the homeland . . . .

                    Prophy Lactic (???)- with a ‘name’ like this I hope you use ’em . . . – if the gyms need help organising a boulder comp I’m happy to help and I bet there’s a fair few climbers out there willing to help also. Whoever is managing the gyms nowadays only has to ask and I bet people will come out of the woodwork. Only for someone with a real name though. 🙂

                    #2986 Reply


                      mentions have been made of an outdoor boulder comp/ big day trip. If the interest is there then things will happen and get underway (faster).

                      Things being disscused are location/ what level of organisation is needed and when so ideas/ suggestions would be appreciated. (also how likely it is to succed is the key factor) so if your the sort of people who would be up for it…

                      All hush hush and all by the way.

                      #2987 Reply
                      John Knight

                        I’m happy to help out in any comp when I’m injured (I haven’t been in enough to wanna skip out one). Think I’ve been in two…. but yeah, if I’m ever injured around comp time, I’m always up for it. I’d certainly be up for an outdoors one!

                        Have you met Chris Sharma, Di?

                        #2988 Reply

                          Hi everybody,

                          I can’t say a thing about boulder comps other than that are a lot of fun, and a lot of work for someone.

                          But I can say something about the lead climbing and top roping comp. This has been tentatively set for the 15th of October. We are planning on an evolution of last years format, to make it more fun, more high energy and with more climbers. Over the next few months as we start putting it together, I’ll be asking around for input. So if you’ve got ideas, talk to me.


                          #2989 Reply

                            No John I have not met Chris Sharma! I have seen him in action in several DVDs but I reckon that doesn’t count . . . . 🙂 Hope your injury gets better mate!

                            #2990 Reply

                              Just got Pilgrimage – Chris Sharma is soo awesome 🙂

                              Di – off topic but is this the same Di I boulder with down at the Rockface (evil bouldering queen) hehe

                              #2991 Reply

                                Evil bouldering queen, eh? Might have to get a t-shirt made up! Yep it’s me Jon.

                                #2992 Reply

                                  Hello kids there’s a nasty rumour going around that there will be a boulder comp at Rockface at the end of the month, anyone able to confirm this?

                                  And hopefully not strip bouldering either, no matter how much that might disappoint ‘Yoda’!!

                                  #2993 Reply

                                    Bouldering comp would be sweet – I’ll come down and cheer !

                                    #2994 Reply
                                    John Knight

                                      If so, count me in on the helping team.

                                      #2995 Reply

                                        Jon you’re entering mate! Dave too. There’s a novice division ya know.

                                        #2996 Reply

                                          Who’s the mystery EBQ 🙂

                                          You just want to watch Dave and I plonk off the wall in pain!

                                          #2997 Reply

                                            Nah when you guys take 1st and 2nd I will very proudly say ‘I taught them everything they know.’ HA HA!

                                            #2998 Reply

                                              hahah EBQ so gotta get that tshirt made!

                                              My fingers are a bit torn after Tues efforts but with the aid of tape on my ouchee fingers (I’m trying to cut back on the habit OK!) tonight I shall conquer that problem.

                                              #2999 Reply
                                              gerard chipper

                                                Hello everyone. The Rockface will be holding a bouldering Competition on 31St July. Give us a call to find out details. Most of which we are still working out. It will be fun though, that much we do know!.

                                                #3000 Reply
                                                EBQ Slave

                                                  Is it going to be like past events? Problems up all over the gym worth a certain amount of points and you get a time period to climb your top 10?

                                                  #3001 Reply

                                                    phew i can let out a sigh of relief knowing theres still a boldering comp. i wouldnt of wanted all those months of hardcore training and relentless mental preperation convincing myself that-THIS YEAR I WILL BEAT JARROD or the next guy.

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