Cleaning Graffiti, off granite?

Home Forums Climbing Talk Cleaning Graffiti, off granite?

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  • #1993 Reply
    John Knight


      MY ‘sanctuary’ was defiled a while ago by a bunch of punks with spray cans, and this place was absolutely beautiful, running creek, ducks, boulders, plantlife, you name it. Now it’s an eyesore when you walk past and I’m noticing parents and kids aren’t visiting there anymore.

      How do I clean this horrid stuff off my beloved rock? (I say ‘my’ because I’m arrogant and greedy, hehe) If I use something like turps, I’m afraid of making a smudge which will permanently stain the rock. Any suggestions, especially from anyone from anyone in conservation groups?

      #1994 Reply


        I would talk to the local ranger. This should be reported in some way, as quite likely is an offence, plus for statistics. The ranger may have ideas about removal.

        The local council may have a “grafiti removal service” that may do the job for you, or at least have advice. The City of Bayswater where I live has a full time grafiti removal van which runs around, getting rid of this crap. If we could only get rid of the sad wankers who do this, too.

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