Climbing at Cott

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  • #1643 Reply
    Aidan Carlsson

      I went to the cottesloe wall on tuesday morning and they have now erected signs saying “climbing prohibited on this wall”. Well i proceeded to start climbin and the next thing I know a council worker came over and told me to stop climbing. That is the first time that has ever happened. So that is a warning out there for you all.

      #1644 Reply
      John Knight

        Damn! ….. Damn!…. pfff!

        never got a chance!!! pfff! pff! mmwwwnngg!

        #1645 Reply

          Hi all,

          We’ll have to check this out.

          We have a committee meeting next Wednesday, and we will get in touch with the council and see what is happening.


          (CAWA secretary)

          #1646 Reply
          Aidan Carlsson

            How did ya go with the council??

            #1647 Reply


              Haven’t yet. Too many other things on, but will do it. I’ll put something here when I do.


              #1648 Reply

                Have made an initial contact with the council. They have banned climbing over liability fears.

                I will write to them asking for more details and also as to what can be done to resolve the problem. Can’t say more than that at the moment.


                #1649 Reply

                  you think the signs are bad at cott i saw pieces of glass cemented into various cracks at peppermint grove yesterday ensuring harsh injuries 4 the unweary.

                  #1650 Reply

                    Re Glass at Peppermint Grove.

                    I haven’t been there, but I wonder if cementing glass into cracks wouldn’t be considered as setting mantraps. This might actually be a criminal act. Does anyone out there have a more valid legal opinion than mine?



                    #1651 Reply

                      Wow, that’s new. Obviously some local resident decided to be clever. I suggest taking a chisel and hammer next time you go and removing the glass (plus maybe a caulking gun and some white filler putty for covering up the remains). Should be a pretty easy repair job. I cannot think of anything useful the Council can do about this, there already is a No Climbing sign. Whoever the prick is, he will soon see that there is more of us than him.

                      #1652 Reply


                        And if it was the council cemented in the glass? Am I paranoid? Hope so.


                        #1653 Reply


                          No chance of the Council cementing glass. That would increase their liability, not reduce it, hence no point. Probably done by someone who regularly walks past, and does not like climbers on the wall. Someone very selfish and very very stupid.

                          #1654 Reply

                            Any more contact with the council with regards to climbing at Cott??

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