Climbing Groups

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  • #3421 Reply

      Hey ppl just wondering if there are any climbing clubs out there who meet for regular outdoor climbs in the Perth area and dont mind a begginer joining in on the fun. Cheers

      [email protected]

      #3422 Reply

        Hi Nathan,

        You’re on the climbing club’s website:)

        and advertising the way you have, is one way you can contact people. You’ll usually find a bunch of CAWA members at Rockface on a Thursday night and we run gym crashes once a month. That’s another way to meet people. (Just had one at Rockface last night).

        We also have trips away and CAWA members get out pretty regularly. It’s just a matter of finding out who and when, and if they don’t mind a beginner coming up on their ropes. Often they don’t mind.

        CAWA does recommend beginning climbers do a training course with one of the outdoor adventure companies. A group of us are doing a Rescue Course this weekend with Adventure Out, (weather permitting). You may already have done so. You also don’t say if you have any gear of your own. Good idea to mention it, if you have and how much experience you actually do have, particularly if you can safely belay a leader. This is something lead climbers really want to know, and something non-lead climbers really, really need to learn.

        Safe climbing,


        #3423 Reply

          Thanks for the tips Toc. I have been climbing indoors for around 8 months around the 17 to 20 grades and some top ropping at much lower grades. I have all my own equipment and im keen. Soory about the delay in replying I dont get online much. Thanks again

          #3424 Reply

            Just saw your message even though it’s a bit late. I’m a beginner climber myself and would love to explore outdoor climbing as I have been confined to indoor. Did you have any luck finding a group as I know they’re not easy to find?

            #3425 Reply

              Good day to Australia and New Zealand, hello climber,

              I will come to Australia (Sept. 05 and Jan till July 06) and New Zealand (Oct. 05 till Jan.06) and I like to climb in that time a lot … BUT I have a problem. I am on my own (with a nonclimbing girlfriend)! So I’m looking for some climbing partners in all parts of Australia and New Zealand!

              So … if you like to meet a european climber (Grad +/- 18) or if you have climbingfriends or if you have friends, who know someone who climbs or if you have a friend, who has a friend and the sister of the neighbour of that friend climbs … I am sure you know what I mean 😉

              Feel free to send this email to all people or organisations you know. I’m glad about every contact I can get (even if my girlfriend want be it ;-).

              Do you know some good internet links?

              Do you need perhaps a „Climbing Partner Wanted“-Paper for the pinboard in your climbing gym or your climbingshop? Just write a hello and you will get it …

              Thanks in advance and regards from

              Frank ([email protected])

              from Germany

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