Climbing Partner/s Needed

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  • #2318 Reply
    Stan Reid

      Just arrived from Scotalnd to stay permanently in Perth. Have joined Rockface climbing centre and am looking for partners for indoor and outdoor climbing. I am at intermediate level and have had experience climbing and mountaineering in Scotland and in the Alps. Happy to partner climbers of any level and I am looking to climb around twice a week – weeknight or weekend sessions.

      #2319 Reply


        Welcome to Perth.

        There are usually quite a few CAWA (Climbers Assoc WA) members at the Rockface on Thursday nights. Usually it is decided sometime during the evening where people might be climbing outdoors over the weekend. We also organise climbing trips regularly, the next one is to Margaret River I think around early December and then just after Xmas there is another down to West Cape Howe to climb on the sea cliffs.

        So if you are stuck for a climbing partner ask at the Rockface counter to be pointed in the direction of some of the CAWA members. If you are looking for a guide book to the Perth region, CAWA has a comprehensive guide which you can buy directly from CAWA (see homepage) or get from the gyms or outdoor shops.



        #2320 Reply
        John Knight

          I don’t go to Rockface at night time, ‘cos I don’t like to be in Northbridge at night time (that and it’s a huge hike from Stoneville), nothing against Rocface though… Anyway, these outdoor climbing plans, if you ever plan ‘crag crashes’ at places like Mountain Quarry, I’d love to come, and we’ve got that new forum section just for it too. 🙂

          #2321 Reply


            Point taken. I will be away for about a month. When I come back I will see if we can’t start using the trips/outings section a bit more. Or maybe someone else will after seeing your comemnt.

            Good to see your interest and hopefully we will see you at a crag sometime soon. Pity you didn’t make it to the climbing comp last Saturday.



            #2322 Reply
            John Knight

              Sorry about that, no comps for me for another few months, my shoulder can’t take it yet. My rotator cuff is still pretty knackered from my injury at the hangout bouldering comp a few months back. I wouldn’t mind helping out in some way next comp though if you could do with a few helping hands. 🙂

              #2323 Reply

                G’day Stan,

                Yep, i’m keen for a climbing partner also. My grades are 22/24 on toprope or second and 18/20 leading. Don’t know what that is on UK grade.If you could reply email to [email protected], we can hook up and organise something.



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