Crash Pads, prices, places?

Home Forums For sale, Lost, Found, Wanted… Crash Pads, prices, places?

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  • #1846 Reply
    John Knight

      G’day all!

      I’ve only just recently biught climbing magazines, so I don’t have a good back reference, but I’m after prices for crash pads and can’t seem to find them on shop websites like MainPeak and Mountain Designs, would anyone be able to tell me where I can buy the things?

      I’m assuming htat you don’t just cart a whopping great mattress everywhere and there are specialist things, right? 😉


      #1847 Reply


        Try the outdoor stores like Paddy Pallin, Mountain Designs, Mainpeak, Snowgum. Give them a phone call. I haven’t tried to buy a crash pad but I know you can get them locally and have seen one for sale at the Rockface climbing gym.

        #1848 Reply
        John Knight

          Aha, cheers for that, I haven’t seen them on the online catalogues, but I suppose I could always resort to the phone. 😉 I’ll have a ring around and then try rockface.

          Cheers again!

          #1849 Reply
          Michael Webb

            Prob a bit late to help you now, but this may help someone else.

            We have been giving the “Direct hit” ($299 or cheaper with aliance) by mountain designs an absolute flogging. Dragging it through twigy scrub, over crystal granite, limestone shale.

            It suffered through many 2-4 metre falls, where as my ankles and knees did not.

            I have heard of some issues with shoulder straps undoing themselves, but we all know how to double back on buckles now, don’t we?

            The printed target gives me a little chuckle when I look down check my spotter

            #1850 Reply
            John Knight

              Glad you reminded me, old chap! We found a fantastic…. supplement! Doing any of you have a daggy old 70s caravan, or a friend, or relly perhaps?

              They have matresses with a very dense foam and they’re lovely to fall on! They worked a charm at boulder rock a few weeks back (and hopefully tomorrow’s trip). Plus there’s usually about 4-6 a caravan, huzzah!

              #1851 Reply
              John Knight

                That should be, “do any of you” by the way. 🙂

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