Fern Road – Access Issue

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  • #14245 Reply

      Hi – was planning to go to Lost World this weekend but have just noticed a complaint from the landowner posted on the Fern Rd site https://www.climberswa.asn.au/climb/online-guide/perth/fern-road/ . Is there an access route that does not cross his property ?

      #14247 Reply

        As long as you stick to what the guide says you should be fine… looks like a few spoiling it for the many by crossing the farmers property which the guide does not tell you to do and definitely doesn’t say we have permission to walk through.

        The climbing area should be fair game, it is after all 20m past the farmers property boundary… guess this will need to be added to the access list

        #14269 Reply

          When there last the problem appeared to be that the area claimed is ouside the paddock, and is unfenced bush-land bordering on the Kalamunda National Park. There was a nylon rope tied to trees running north from the north west corner of the fenced paddock with a private property sign.. It was relatively easy to walk to the end of the rope before turning east into the water course thus respecting the claim. Coming back was more difficult as there is no marked east-west boundary.  However it’s in bush and as long as one turns uphill reasonably early so as to avoid walking along the paddock fence it should be possible not to disturb the claimant.

           Strictly I would imagine that to establish trespass you need a boundary and a sign. Best not to go into this with the landowner Land owners can be sensitive.  definitely shouldn’t climb into his paddock. The problem might go away, if not CAWA could approach DEC for clarification.. They may have their own opinion on the boundary of the park.

          #14386 Reply

            Spent a pleasant couple of hours at Lost World last Saturday. Fortunately, the glue-on flakes seem to be holding.

            Confirm Richard’s advice – at the fence boundary is a nylon rope and some “Keep Out – Private Property” signs. So, rather than following the guidebook and turn East to walk down to a cleared area, its best to continue walking North about 200m (following the rope and beyond) then head diagonally right NE down to the water course and continue down till you hit the crag. Walking out – head back up to the ridgeline and continue till you hit the rope.

            Also – rather than walk in from the car park adjacent to the fence there is a faint track in the bush about 10m further out. Just more cobwebs to deal with.


            #14396 Reply
            matt o

              I’ve logged a GPS trace along the ‘vague trail’ previously mentioned that goes around the land owners property. In my route you take an easy scramble down to the water course.


              #14450 Reply

                There have been complaints about climbers trespassing across 181 Paulls Valley Road (Fern Road Property) on the way to Lost World crag. The northern portion of the property is not fenced and is only partially marked by rope and signs attached to trees.


                CAWA obtained exact locations of this property’s boundaries from an inquiry to Landgate. I was then requested to go and mark out an access path which I did today.


                The property boundaries are as follows: the western boundary runs in south-to-north direction and follows the western fence of the cleared paddock and then runs from the NW corner of this paddock for a further 200m north to GPS coordinates S31  57’ 11.433” and E116  05’ 33.567”.  Site investigation revealed that there is a cairn there, buried in bushes. This location is much further north than the fixed rope or the yellow “Keep Out” signs would indicate. From this cairn, the boundary runs directly east, crossing the creek just 30m south of the first bolted route at the crag Lost World.


                Today, a trail was marked out with orange survey tape, using GPS coordinates to stay off the private property while doing so. It runs approx 10m west of the paddock.  The track is entirely clear of the private property, is easy to follow, and is not longer than the creek path.


                Please do not remove the survey tape. It is ugly and intrusive but it also ensures that no one trespassess and people do not trash the bush while looking for trails. It is temporary and the least-bad option. Hopefully a track will develop with time and/or everyone will acquire phones with GPS, a new guidebook will reflect this path and hence there will be no need for this tape in the long term. In the meantime we intend to maintain it.


                Enjoy Lost World, one of the most accessible bush crags near Perth and still only 800m / 12min walk from the car.



                #14470 Reply

                  Ross. For those out there that actually know how to use a gps, is there any chance of getting a series of points in UTM coordinates, with a datum, i.e. Eastings and Northings (something useful, not Lats/Longs), GDA94?

                  In any case, what is the datum of the single Lat/Long point provided?

                  In case those out there don’t know, there is around a 200m difference in the position of a point (along a SW-NE line) depending on the two main datums used in Oz. In the case of property boundaries obviously this kind of information is not insignificant in consequence.

                  Is anyone at CAWA planning to discuss with DEC the location of the ‘new’ trail?

                  Undoubtedly they will have opinions on its location and whether or not it is appropriate. Groups should not just start making trails at whatever location because they feel it is the right thing to do. There is a a process to follow if it is expected for the DEC to give climbers the right to a two-way street when consulting on issues.

                  #14474 Reply
                  Ross Weiter

                    Hi Navigator. Any GPS should work with Lat/Long. The datum for the Lat/Long provided are The Equator and The Greenwhich Meridian. The coords given are accurate to far greater accuracy than your GPS (given accuracy by Landgate is 20cm). Cheers, Ross.


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