great mini guides!

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  • #4090 Reply
    mike randall

      just wanted to say good job to ben fleming for the cool bouldering mini guides. a friend and i tried out the kalamunda one on saturday and had lots of fun. did a few things in the jonestown area and then messed around on “the king”. fun. might try out the boulder rock area tomorrow. or try and find millars. has anyone got a similar mini guide for millars?

      anyway. well done.

      #4091 Reply

        Hey Mike. We started a guide to Millars but it got too big and we lost interest. Best just to go and play. Remember, theoretically we shouldnt be out there….

        #4092 Reply
        ben fleming

          Thanks for the props.

          Emil, if you’ve drawn some topos etc for Millars send them to me and I might do a basic guide. [email protected]. The guide would include information about dieback etc. Access needs to be managed; a guide would help ensure people stick to established trails etc.

          I found another area probably larger than millars the other day. Maybe another couple major areas to be located yet. Steve knows the way.

          It may be prudent to have some discussion with calm re access to Millars and the new area as these are pretty much the most important bouldering areas in WA – mainly due to having lots of reasonable rock close to Perth.

          #4093 Reply

            Hey Emil,

            Why, theoretically, shouldn’t we be out at Millars? Didn’t we just have a Boulder Comp out there? I’m confused.


            #4094 Reply

              Hi guys,

              The reason we shouldn’t be there is because the area is die back free and CALM want to keep it that way. This is why we had wheel washing when we drove in for the comp. It took some pretty serious negotiation from Edd and Kate to get permission.



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