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  • #4608 Reply

      The route has a nice pleasant path before the crux, a sharp edge crimp for the fingers. Despite pleasant climbing to the finish, the gnarly edge stays in the memory through to the finish. Rising traverse off the ocean just south of foul bay, no crash pads needed, liquid chalk only please.

      Named for someone who is in a bad place right now whom I care for deeply.

      #4609 Reply

        More info on Foul Bay & surrounds.

        Hamelin Bay’s White Point: pile of choss limestone. Sand flies. Zero interest.

        Between Hamelin and Foul Bay: one black boulder with some interesting lines. Dodgy landings, quite a walk and mosquitos. Low interest.

        South side of Foul Bay: only two interesting boulder lines. One is a power/positioning traverse. The other is Marj, about foot work/position and not power based at all, various solutions. Both about 2/3rd out onto the point starting off the ocean, departing from the beach you’ll come to the power problem first. I think they’ll prove obvious enough to identify because there are so few lines long enough to bother with. Almost zero interest, Marj makes a nice warm up for climbing around the corner if you’ve left the baggage at Foul Bay.

        Around the point to the South: a further 5 minute walk will bring into view the short gneiss walls between Foul Bay and Cosy Corner. These walls have been climbed for some time. Easier access from Cosy Corner.

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