Microphobia at Mt Randall

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  • #7131 Reply

      This is a new tiny trad climb (well protected)at Mt Randall. It is located at the bottom of the slab, about 100m before the Main Area, and just 10m L of walk-in track to. It can be (and has been) soloed/bouldered as start is the crux.

      Microphobia (7m, 15)

      The R-trending crack with a bouldering start up overlap. If you can reach the starting holds it is a 15, else bad luck(hence the name). Good trad gear. FA: R.Weiter, A.Separovich, Jul 08.

      There is some interesting but easy bouldering behind that boulder: a hand traverse and a crack: warm up amusements.

      Another observation: the layback at the top of Vague Notions(22) is bloody hard to do when the tree is wet and slimey!

      #7132 Reply
      Ross Weiter

        ..walking track to “Just a Dance”.

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