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  • #7592 Reply
    New bolting code

      Adventure Climbing Zone? Aren’t we big kids now?

      Hey people – no new bolts in the Eastern Stirlings…. Oh thats right no one climbs there anymore….

      Dont you think these two points are contradictory:

      *Bolts should be visually unobtrusive, especially in areas visited by the non-climbing public.

      *No new bolts are to be placed at highly frequented tourist areas, including the Gap, Natural Bridge and the Blowholes near Albany? Or is this fulfilling Ross’ whole GIMB agenda?

      Congrats CAWA on sneaking the most restrictive Code of Conduct through. Now new route development will truely be heading further underground.

      #7593 Reply


        It is a Code with no legislative backing or legal support. You don’t have to do what it says. It is a guide that only members of CAWA agree to and a few non-members. In essence it is just advice on how to maybe bolt from a group of climbers. obey or not it is your choice. I won’t be.

        #7594 Reply

          I don’t know that it’s just a guide. The wording is stronger than that, viz

          –The CAWA Code of Bolting and New Route Development establishes the standards that all climbers in the State of Western Australia are required to adopt in regard to developing and bolting new rock climbing routes–

          Presumably enforcement will be through inclusion in Calm management plans.

          That said it doesn’t seem that intrusive. You’d have to be pretty insensitive to go bolting on the Natural Bridge in the Gap. In the Stirlings it’s probably unenforcable, but not that many people get out there. And no kind of bolt is actually forbidden.

          #7595 Reply

            so, because a non-binding code purports to restrict bolting at 3 or so crags (bluff, gap/natural bridge and blowholes, plus other east stirlings peaks that don’t count), new route development in WA is stifled? yeah, that follows. jackass

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