Mountain Quarry Access

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  • #1626 Reply

      Does anyone know how to get the access codes to the padlock at mountain quarry. ie. Where to call and what to ask for etc. Ta.

      #1627 Reply

        Gavin I’m not entirely sure about this so if someone knows better, jump in . . .

        My understanding is that the companies that use the quarries (Mountain, Statham’s) for commercial benefit, such as Adventure Out, can get the codes from CALM or whichever organisation put the gates up. Casual climbers can’t get them unless they know someone who has ‘connections.’

        #1628 Reply

          Info as of Dec 2002

          Last year the contact number was 92952244

          It’s a part of CALM, not the main office.

          They were changing the combination every few months.

          If you ask nicely as an individual they may give you the number.

          Groups have to book and have insurance and special abseiling qualifications I think.

          #1629 Reply


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