Moving on Up

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  • #2104 Reply

      Hello there! I’m a young climber in Perth. I’ve been climbing for about half a year now, at school and indoor rock-climbing centres. I’m not too terrible at it.

      What I wanted to know is, can anyone give em some information as to how to get started on outdoor rock-climbing? I’m totally clueless on that regard xD I’m getting a lead-rope climbing course-thing for Christmas, but apart from that… how do I actually do it? What do I need? Yeah.

      Any help would be wonderful!

      ~ Jackie

      #2105 Reply
      John Knight

        Well you’re off to a very good start, doing that course and all. I’m not exactly sure what you’re looking for in terms of advice, but try and scrape together 400 bucks or so for a sport-climbing kit.

        Aside from that, take a trip to Boulder Rock and try some of the routes in the mini-guide, it’s a good way to get your head around granite holds (or the lack thereof). The hardest thing to get your head around at first is something 5mm on granite might be a half-decent hold, but yeah, a day of bouldering on some thin stuff should sort you out. 🙂

        #2106 Reply

 looks like your’ve taken the first step and thats to get a course under your belt..they should teach you the basics of what you need to know.

          Your next step is to find a climbing partner….one with experience!!

          be very careful about climbing with someone who like yourself has little to no lead or outdoor climbing experiences.

          its probably advisable to climb in a gym together first, rather then head straight out onto the rock.

          Gain trust of each other…

          and have fun…anyone have anything else constructive to add?

          #2107 Reply

            as for what you need…

            to start with..

            the basic..




            several locking biners

            and belay device.

            thats if you hook up with someone who has gear.

            to top rope add on

            dynamic rope (not a john..chuckles)

            10-20m of climbing tape

            and a 4-6 locking biners

            if you want to lead add BIG$$

            6-10 quickdraws

            set of nuts

            and some boltplates…pdf 90 degree seems to be the best plates

            and as you get the money

            a set of cams

            #2108 Reply


              You have some help from the answers already given. There is also help right here in this web site. Click on CLIMB WA (see above) and then the link titled Moving Outdoors.

              I have also written an article in the December issue of the Western Climber about exactly this topic. The WC should be at the printers now and will be available in the shops and gyms shortly. It only costs $4.

              Good luck and safe climbing.


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