Mt Quarry Rebolting

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  • #7620 Reply

      Went out yesterday and finally got around too finishing the rebolt of Frustration and contempt 25m 16. For those not aware this is the 16 at the left end of the mullup buttress. All Carrots have been replaced with SS Ringbolts and there is now a totally independent double bolt loweroff.

      the crux carrot in particular required very little pulling and was really skinny, short and deformed!!.Nice


      If anybody is feeling generous, a contribution towards this rebolt would be greatly appreciated as funds are dry and this climb gets quite a bit of traffic…..hint..hint 🙂

      #7621 Reply
      David Wyndham

        I’m sure Jolene will appreciate this, her silly Axis bolt plates didn’t fit one of the bolts properly.

        Where would we send cash? I’m leaving the state soon, but I have appreciated your work in the time I have been here.

        May I suggest a rebolt of Lifestyle Refugees at Stathams, it’s a pain to have to toprope after doing Morning Glory and one of the carrots currently on it is really fat and won’t take any plate I could find.

        #7622 Reply

          Hopefully many people will enjoy not having to fiddle bolt plates onto those deformed carrots:).

          PM me on [email protected] for making a donation.


          #7623 Reply

            Thanks a lot. That climb must have had had the worst placed loweroff in Perth….

            #7624 Reply

              Thanks for that. glad they’ve finally been replaced. look out for my email asking for details

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