No Ordinary Determination at Stathams Quarry

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  • #4581 Reply
    Jim Truscott

      *No Ordinary Determination 10m 22

      The overhung line to the right of RLA. It is amazing that it has taken so long for this sporting route to be climbed. Climb it like you have a gremlin on your shoulder. 5BR to lower offs. M. Rosser, J. Truscott 19 Mar 06

      #4582 Reply

        Not amazing, Jim. I looked at it 2 years ago and even did a day’s cleaning but then decided that it is far too loose and dangerous and basically cannot be cleaned to be made safe. I presume you are talking about the chossy corner or the face immediately left of it. I also could not find anywhere to put the loweroff as the overhang was made of loose boulders and above it was a slope of loose gravel. I’m sure others have looked at it before me with same conclusion, as the climbing is indeed moderate.

        #4583 Reply


          We spent a couple of days cleaning the climb so hopefully it won’t suffer the same fate as your line at Mt Quarry which recently splashed to earth.

          The climbing is worth a star and received the thumbs up from Jon and Neil who bagged the 2nd assent.

          #4584 Reply

            Yeah, basteard eh….it was sort of predictable….I mean the bottom part of that hanging corner which was part of Chrysalis fell off a few years before. But the Skywalker roof has been up for decades so these things are hard to assess…thin red line looked pretty stable until it fell off. Still with my 1 day cleaning and yours 2 more I can see that the climb would be good…..just was too much effort for me. Keep up the good work.

            #4585 Reply

              Hey guys did NOD yesterday and i have to say it is a cool route. Amazing what a couple of crusties with a drill can turn up….

              what the scoop with the line to the left?

              #4586 Reply

                The left line is work in progress – waiting on the zimmer frame to get back from the panel beaters before planting final carrot.

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