Partner needed, outdoor bouldering, sport, trad?

Home Forums Partner wanted / Lift shares Partner needed, outdoor bouldering, sport, trad?

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  • #4427 Reply
    Bobby Balboa

      I am currently staying in Kelmscott untill 30th May. I have use of a car & am looking for someone to climb with outdoors.

      I have 5 years experience & climb grade 10 – low 20’s. I dont have a rack or rope as my friend has it in NZ.

      Just looking to get outside & do some cranking.

      If your intrested give me a shout at [email protected] or 0405154833

      Cheers Bobby

      #4428 Reply

        G’day !!!

        I am a french student and I will come in fremantle from the 22 juin to the 26 august and I am looking for a climbing’s partner.I started climbing since 2 years and I live in a montaine area so I have a good experience in climbing (My level is around 19 (betwenn V+ and VI+ for the europeen’s level)).

        You can contact me at [email protected]

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