Stathams Rebolting

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  • #6534 Reply

      The following routes have been rebolted:

      The Spine 25m 14

      All 3 original bashins have been replaced with 3 GIMBS + old loweroff has been replaced with two fixe ringhanger loweroffs. I chose to replace in the same location as the old one, as bringing them over the edge would eliminate the need to make the last couple of moves over the edge. So if you are going to toprope, it is really easy to put some slings and biners over the edge or you can just deal with a little friction!.

      Rebolted: George

      Cost: $40

      Bonk Night Out 20m 23

      Original high bolt(second if you include the 1st bolt on bonking penguins) has been replaced with a GIMB.



      Remember to donate to SCWA and keep the work happening.



      #6535 Reply
      Richard W

        Nice one guys!

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