Stathams rebolting

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  • #6524 Reply

      Folks I have cleaned, rebolted and put lower-offs on Batchain Puller (between Chips and Dips and Hammer and Tongs).

      While much loose rock came off it, at this stage it looks to still be 25. Great combo of overhanging thuggery and delicate slab/stemming make this a must do.

      Also, with advances in technology (thanks George) I have pulled and replaced the remaining old GIMBs on Hammer and Tongs. This route is now fully equipped on Ps with loweroffs.

      #6525 Reply
      Richard W

        Your a legend Emil. Well done and see you when I get back from NZ. Any luck with Learning to Fly?

        #6526 Reply
        Scott B

          Good work Emil. You are doing a world of great things!

          #6527 Reply

            Top work emil!

            Rings on a sport route, very out of the ordinary around here, very welcome though.


            #6528 Reply

              Oh Emil.

              You big man. you can bolt me anytime.

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