Just a couple of queries about some relatively new routes at Strathams, not a quarry regular, but noticed several recently bolted lines on my first visit to the above.
The climbs I was looking at had all the hallmarks of Mr Weiter or maybe Team Truscott/Rosser, after some grade/FA details fellas.
Just right of Hipster Crack, balancy slab with 3BR to lower offs (left most lower off has been bent, possibly from rockfall during recent cliff stabilization work), approx 14m long, around grade 16.
Other side of Hipster Crack (1m left)is a clean, very smooth right trending V groove leading to a steep headwall. Has 6 BR’s and lower offs in slightly kaolinized granite on headwall, 18m long, did’nt do this one but est. around 20ish.
About 20m right of Ersatz (on the slabs), a thin slab leading to clean red headwall with three shiny BR’s, looked around 20m long and about 18.
Also ‘czeched’ out RW’s new “Czech Mate”, did’nt get on it this time but the start looks like an awkward swine!
Good on you lads for putting the time, resources & effort into whacking up all the new routes around the South West, I certainly enjoy thrashing about on them.