Thailand since Tsunami

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  • #2548 Reply

      Does anyone have any information about what happened to Ao Nang, and Rai Lay in the Tsunami. I know Krabi was fairly hard hit, so I would imagine these areas would also have been affected.

      #2549 Reply

        there is a lot if onfo on the chockstone website about climbing in thailand

        apparently railly and surrounds wernt badly hit and have already been cleaned up …and from various corrospondences it appears they desparately need every tourist dollar they can get…

        #2550 Reply

          I dont think that ‘the climbers part’ of the island would be that bad. All the budget accomodation faces east, the big tourist resorts were probably most affected.

          #2551 Reply

            thats what i heard….they clibimg province of thailand got hit by only a relitively small wave and most of the damage was cleaned up in a few days and from various posts i have read…everything is up and running with all bungalows intact…no damage to water or sewage systems , so there should be minimal impact from the various diseases that will now take off in some of the more heavily damaged areas. By all accounts just take the usual precations with food preparation and drinking water…

            #2552 Reply

              A couple of Irish guys I know just got back from an amazing trip in Railay…the locals have asked that EVERYONE GOES as more than anything else, they need tourist revenue. Everything is rebuilt and up and running…

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