I am sure all the other organisers of the climbing comp (both Rockface workers and CAWA committee) appreciate your comments as much as I do.
It is hard work organising these events and from a CAWA perspective, this is not the only thing we do.
The CAWA AGM is coming up in January and I am worried that once again we will have trouble putting together a full complement for the next committee. CAWA has important roles to fill; Access work, liason with government re quarries and other climbing areas, website maintenance, quarterly magazine publication, social meeting events, promotion of courses, climbing trips and so on. Hopefully some readers will see this message and decide that they might like to help CAWA support the climbing community in 2004!
The AGM date will be published in the near future on the website.
Best Regards
Dinah Pantic
(President, Climbers Association of WA)