We’ve all heard tales of his carrot munching escapades, but just who is the Were-Rabbit?
Place your theories as to who he/she/they is here….
I reckon its Matt and Jim seeing the errors of their ways and pulling their own bolts out…
It is the rock itself, it has finally had enough of the indignity of being stuck with carrots and is shedding them from the most recent back
he? or she?
hey derryn who is looking after the children ?
i think it’s ed nepia
good try mark, keep guessing
Rabbit = Jeff M
Now I am damned if I do and damned if I don’t.
If I deny being the rabbit some will say I am he, but trying to deny it and If I admit it, well you know…
I really don’t like carrots but sorry I am not the bunny.
The real question is: Who really gives a shit? 😉
Bounce…..Have eyed up a particularly nice Boya Boy line to munch that should strike fear deep in their souls….Bounce……I spit rabbit flem in their general direction…..
P.S I’m hurt Elliot – hope you don’t fall victim to one of the Boya Boys dodgy carrots!
Were rabbit is just a man with a secret identity, doing good for the masses, like zorro or superman…
Now hang on rabbit. Maybe y had a point with Carroterrism. There’s a chippin issue. And maybe times’re changing , it being a new route. But wrecking established routes. We’re not happy about that. We would discourage it . You don’t like em, go put up a danger sign or something. If it’s gonna be that anybody can chop anything some of us are thinking of stripping everything over grade 24. Maybe not Star Wars . We’re not hasty, We’ll hold back a bit. But hey. You n yer cheer squad destroy the climbs we like, why should we care bout anything you want. Or is it time the quarries were cleaned out. Start again. Least DEC be happy.
Correct! No “old” established lines, even with carrots should be or will be munched. They should be re-bolted. I’m only interested in fresh juicy carrots as they are obviously being placed in a period where good bolting practices have already been established!! I’m particularly interested in lines that glorify the boya boys use of carrots or are new heavily chipped bits of vandalism. These through mud in the face of Perth climbers, all for the sake of their glory/ego.
on ya rabbit, so long as it is current, newly established routes that should have been bolted properly(and not previous era classics) you have my support.
There is really no place for carrots, except perhaps in a museum (“look son, that is what people used for protection of bolted climbs in the early days of climbing, when it was new and there were no alternatives” “Oh no Dad, I heard people in Perth used them until recently” ” carrots were eventually banned because they were unsafe, but until then a few people still did use them because they thought that they were expressing their individuality but really most people thought they were self indulgent wankers who did not care about the rest of the community”)
Not sure where the other threads have gone so i’ll post here. I and another have personally gone out and re-placed the carrots in carrot terrorism. Same as the old ones!!! now, if they are pulled again, that is jsut b/s. DOnt climb if you dont want to. Remember you climb at your safety limits not others. If you pull these bolts then buckle up and replace them with rings or expansions. Its a simpel equation. Oh and my two cents on chipping in the quarry… AIn’t sweet pee, one of everyone favourite routes all chipped and glued save for the horizontal crack. Lets not re-hash ethics in an era where we pretend it hasn’t gone on before. Good job for all the routes that are put up in the quarry.
All i say, before you chip or glue, have a good look to see if someone stronger could send it without chipping. ANd based on the quarry rock, its usually farily unlikely!!!
oh now thats a good idea… replace shitty carrots with …. shitty carrots… brilliant!
this really shows just how weird the perth scene is, i know this is the worlds most isolated city but its hard to escape the creepy feeling that some of you guys never grew up and left the seventies behind.. times have changed everywhere else
And all we are askin is that before you bolt a climb, look at it and think ” is there a better/safer way to bolt this than carrots?”
myxomatosis you are wrong on a couple of points
visiting climbers dont get a choice when they set off on a bolted climb, they will assume that bolts are as good as possible, not knowing until they get to the bolts… the bolter sets the safety limit for the route, and as such should assume responsibility for those that follow by placing best possible equipment, simple equation eh..
and wht bother asking anyone to replace carrots with better gear when you wont do the same?
or are you only good for romantic gestures?
myxomatosis you are wrong on a couple of points
– a chance of rebuttle
“visiting climbers dont get a choice when they set off on a bolted climb, they will assume that bolts are as good as possible, not knowing until they get to the bolts… the bolter sets the safety limit for the route, and as such should assume responsibility for those that follow by placing best possible equipment, simple equation eh..”
– i agree (maybe a good caveat in the next guide and online guides..) however its a moot argument. For example, do we all assume that glue in P-bolts in limestone are safe (probably safer than carrots yeah) but limestone is a thin veneer of solid rock on a sandy soft back. We can all remember the spiining P on Toy shopping at bobs. THerefore, despite a solid appearing glue in P we still face the danger of it being not-safe. Therefore, any argumet regarding bolt safety is quite irrelevant with respect to what a climber should expect. How about those great bolts in thailand. We all should expect the worst!!!
“and wht bother asking anyone to replace carrots with better gear when you wont do the same?”
I dont care about that route, i dont want to climb it cos its on carrots, and its not a very nice line. so why would i invest in it. Beyond a few bob for some carrots. I have never complained about the climb. But those who do should just take a more appropriate line of action. If they care so much.
or are you only good for romantic gestures?
Most likley!!!
Again good work to everyone who has put up routes in the quarry, your efforts are always appreciated.
Ill put this here although it seems to cover 2 threads…..
I cant give a shit anymore for the arguments. The only thing that people seem to be agreeing on is that carrots replaced with something better.
were rabbit, myxamotosis etc i will lend you a drill and a glue gun and richard or i will GIVE you some glue. pull the carrots out, drill the hole out and glue them back in. email or phone me. if you want to remain anon. ill leave them at rockface for you. emilatwmi.net.au 0447929761
everyone else, put you money where your posts are and donate so these people can replace the bolts with GIMBs or Ps.
PS i dont advise anyone to climb on re-placed carrots on Carrotterrorism. the holes would have enlarged from the removal process and the carrots will be less safe now.
jesus with logic like that you should be in politics… care to put a name to your actions?
good onya emil, i’ll happily donate ss trubolts and hangers