Thefts at Churchmans

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  • #5729 Reply

      Hi Everyone,

      on Sunday (17 June 2007) afternoon, four or five cars were broken into at the Churchman’s car-park.

      Items stolen included cameras, wallets and cash, a passport, MP-3 player, a tent, sleeping bag, mat and other camping gear, a PDA, a mobile phone, two way radios etc.

      A number of the items taken belonged to UK climbers on holiday and included their holiday photos.

      This is not the first break-in and thefts at Churchmans – I know of at least four other multi-vehicle break-ins in the last few years.

      As far as I know, the modus operadi has usually been the same – front passenger or driver’s side window broken – with most of the glass pulled out onto the ground. In a few cases (one yesterday), the lock was jimmied.

      If anyone saw anything suspicious up that way, please leave a message.

      If anyone has any camping gear that they can donate to the UK climbers, please also leave a message here.

      #5730 Reply

        My commiserations. May they rot in hell.

        Now – Western Australia has the highest rate of car burglaries in the world. It must come from our history (we also have highest rate of house burglaries in the world). See Google. Fact is, we are a nation of thieves.

        The obvious thing to do is, if you can, never ever leave anything in the car. Read that sentence again. Memorise it. Think about it. If noone ever left anything worth stealing in their car, noone would ever break in. Makes sense?

        Now – sometimes you just cannot avoid having stuff (holidays) so here is a small trick: get a large sturdy black plastic rubbish bag. Put your valuables into it, walk away from your car for 5 min (or more) into the bush and bury it in a “shallow grave”. If you cannot protect the treasure, hide it. Don’t forget to pick it up when you return!

        Crime at Chch started when that bloody estate went up next door. It will stay.

        Option 2 – park at the road 500m below Chch, close to the house.

        #5731 Reply

          To avoid getting my car broken into I would make sure the glove box was pretty much empty and leave it hanging open. Ditto for the ash tray and anything else where things can be stored. Nothing left lying around on the seats. Hopefully any stinking thieves can then see nothing was there to steal. I don’t know if it helped but my car was never broken into.

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