Good on you guys for keeping the new routes coming! Me and Richard and Linda had a go at these yesterday (Sunday). Although it was horrendously sweaty, they still seemed like classic sandbags! And why not, very much in keeping with the existing Phillips/Digwood climb there “Cornered”, Gr 17. I struggled up that, Richard and Linda were less successful. Which makes me wonder, is your Love and War in the Darling Ranges not the very same line as Cornered (corner with desperate start, lay-back crack at top)?
As for Six Minute Increments and Stranded Assets – hmmm, good climbs, they may be short but make up for it with venom! Good stuff. We were too buggered to try FAQ when Riding on the Tiger’s Back, but it looks good.
Any news on the new line with a bolt in it between Calophylla Crack and Yellow Edge?