Top Roping

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  • #5526 Reply

      Hi, I was just wondering if there is any list of areas (or indeed any areas) around Perth that can be top-roped. That is, climbed without anyone lead climbing.

      In Canada we have such areas where one can scrambled to the top of the climb, put a top rope up and drop it down to the bottom of the climb.

      #5527 Reply

        Churchmans brook

        #5528 Reply

          most areas around perth can be top ropes..

          #5529 Reply

            You’ll need some trad gear and long slings or bits of static rope for most places (someone please jump in if I’m wrong). There are a few climbs per crag that will have bolts at the top but it’s not the norm. By ‘at the top’ I mean ring bolts placed close enough to the top of a climb that you can use quick draws of shorter slings in your anchor setup.

            You’ll also need some funky Aussie inventions called bolt plates as you’ll find a lot of bolt heads without bolt hangers!

            And as for our trees . . . not good for anchors (I’m thinking of the large oak trees in New River Gorge, etc.).

            Also watch out for hoop snakes and drop bears.

            #5530 Reply

              Me and my girlfriend are here from Canmore to do some cragging, just sport but we have bought some of the gear that you need over here, the only problem is that we dont have any wheels, were only here for a couple more days, but if your looking for a parter or some more info and I have done some reserch in the area give me an e-mail, [email protected]

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