want to learn climbing etc

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  • #1941 Reply

      Hey I want to learn climbing. Thought about attending one of the climbing gyms in perth. Does one need to start with a climbing buddy/partner or is it possible to just go to one of the gyms by yourself as I none of my friends want to try it! Eventually is it possible to hook up with people with similar experience and learn etc. Thanks

      #1942 Reply

        best thing is to try a gym first and see if you like climbing, as if and when you decide to take it up as a sport there is an initial outlay for basic equipment,- shoes, harness, etc

        i think CAWA has weekly gym meets…at rockface..not sure which night… but i’m sure someone can confirm this with more detailed info….and there woud be plently of people willing to show you around.

        my next step would probably be to sign up for a rock climbing course and learn the basics of climbing and rope skills.

        from there you can see if you can round up a partner on the message board or see if CAWA organises a crag crash..

        just remember to have fun and enjoy yourself.

        #1943 Reply


          A bunch of CAWA people climb pretty regularly on Thursdays at Rockface. I generally arrive around 8pm. If you want come along, ask the staff who I am, they’ll point me out. You’ll need to hire some gear, but if you get into it, you’ll buy your own. You will have to do a short belaying course under Rockface supervision. CAWA members get discounts. We also have trips away, crag crashes and gym crashes. Some places are not for beginners, but some are ok. We liase with Adventure Out who provide outdoor climbing. If you decide climbing is for you, courses are recommended when you are ready. There are other companies providing courses as well. The gyms have their own indoor courses.


          Toc Foale,


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